Wednesday, July 30, 2014

C-Section Recovery Tips

Both vaginal and C-section deliveries involve some recovery time, but C-sections often require more. As a surgery, C-sections involve stitches or staples and added doctor visits. Many women experience pain for a longer period after a C-section. The following tips, however, can help women recover as quickly as possible.

Postpartum Update I: the belly and beyond…

Take a look at this Mom's postpartum journey and experience with belly wraps

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Maintaining Back and Pelvic Support During Pregnancy

Although a woman's body is designed to carry and deliver a baby, it may still suffer as a consequence of pregnancy. A woman's back and pelvis can suffer stress from carrying a developing baby as well as because of hormonal changes. Coping with the stress is important in order to protect your back and pelvis throughout the pregnancy and beyond. The following tips will help you protect your back and pelvis during pregnancy.

Monday, July 28, 2014

How The Atlas 2-In-1 Saved My Back

"If any of you are having back issues or your belly is just plain heavy, get the Atlas 2-in-1. Trust me, I wasn’t a believer until I had no other choice and now it’s been a lifesaver, just ask my kids and husband."

Belly band - back support during pregancy |

Check out this great forum about taking care of your back during pregnancy

The importance of walking during pregnancy

For most pregnant women, some daily exercise like walking is important. Of course, all pregnant women should consult their doctor to discuss their exercise rout....

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Tips to Lose Weight after Pregnancy

For women who gained the normal range of pregnancy weight, between 25 and 30 pounds, it may only take a few months to lose the excess weight and get back to pr…

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Abdominal Binder: the Cinch Tummy Wrap Makes Headlines This overview of all the press and publicity on the Cinch Tummy Wrap, including Good Morning America, the Tyra Banks Show, and ...

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Importance of Diet and Exercise during Pregnancy

Healthy diet and some exercise can be ideal for both pregnant women and their babies. While healthy weight gain is part of any pregnancy, it can be achieved through healthy foods that support the mother and baby's nutritional needs. Moreover, exercise can keep a pregnant woman's weight from getting out of control and keep her muscles toned. Pregnant women who exercise also find it easier to lose weight after the birth of the baby. Exercising during pregnancy helps women experience less fatigue, which is just one more reason that it's so beneficial.

Tips to relieve pregnancy-related back pain - San Francisco Pregnancy Fitness |

While every pregnancy is different in its own unique way, many, unfortunately, include back pain as a considerable obstacle.